

Coordinated Palliative Care in Graz

Graz (Styria)
Target group:
Clients with chronic and terminal illnesses living at home

The aim of this organisation is to coordinate the establishment and further development of hospices and palliative services in residential and community care, in particular by means of multi-professional mobile palliative care teams, in the region of Styria (our main focus will be on the area of Graz). This includes the improvement of quality, cooperation between relevant facilities specialised in palliative care and general health and social care services, as well as education and training in this field. The organisation has succeeded to receive mainstream-funding for currently nine mobile palliative care teams that offer services free of charge and cover the whole of Styria. The teams are involving volunteers in a coordinated manner and cooperate with a wide range of partners from hospitals to primary care, including home care and residential facilities.

Geropsychiatric Centre (GPZ) Vienna

Target group:
Clients living at home and suffering from (acute episodes of) depression, dementia, disorientation, acute stress disorders, forms of addiction, etc. - and their carers

The GPZ is affiliated to the ‘Psycho-Social Services’ (PSD) in Vienna. It is a unique centre for community-based geropsychiatric consultancy (clinical-psychiatry and neurology), and for anamnesis, thus functioning as a ‘clearing’ centre. It also includes a ‘Memory Clinic’ and offers counselling (by phone and face-to-face) to GPs, health and social care services as well as to hospitals and family carers. The multi-professional team (7.5 FTE) consists of psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and a social worker. All services are free of charge. The integrated team is networking with a wide range of stakeholders in the area of health and social care.